Chidambaram said, CBI should draw a line between policy and police

P. ChidambaramNew Delhi: Finance Minister slammed on CBI by saying that the agency pretends like a helpless victim when it pleads for autonomy and Chidambaram urged the CBI not question a government policy saying that it should respect the line that divides a policy and police. P Chidambaram said it is not the business of CBI to question government’s policy. He also said that CBI is neither a caged bird nor a Congress Bureau.

Addressing the CBI conference on Monday, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh pledged to look into the issue of the Central Bureau of Investigation’s (CBI’s) legal foundation, even as he cautioned the investigation agency — at the helm of probes into high-profile scandals such as the Commonwealth Games, coal block and 2G spectrum allocations— against “error of judgment”. Singh stressed the sensitive nature of cases dealing with policy making and administration.

Over time, investigating agencies in our country have been increasingly enquiring into administrative decisions and also matters relating to policy making. Such cases require great care in investigation. Policy-making is a multi-layered and complex process in the government, and will increasingly become more so, and therefore I don’t think it would be to appropriate for a police agency to sit in judgment over policy formulation, without any evidence of malafide,” Singh said.

Bureau Report

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