Time magazine listed ‘India’s Rape Epidemic’

New Delhi: India has been listed as “India’s Rape Epidemic” by Time magazine. Title has been given after nationwide uproar over a number of rape incidents, especially following a shocking gang rape in Delhi, as the ninth top world news story of 2013.

The US news magazine had noted “demanded greater protection for women and swift justice” after Mass protests at the time over the shocking gang rape of a woman in a bus in Delhi at the end of 2012. It recalled, “The trial and sentencing of the culprits-four were given the death penalty-of the six suspects lasted through September.”

“Subsequent incidents, including the rape of another 23-year-old girl in Mumbai, also drew widespread attention nationally and abroad, and the uproar has shone a necessary spotlight on India’s notoriously patriarchal society.”

Times magazine states, “It has also placed renewed scrutiny on the state of women’s rights in the developing world where more than 2 million girls give birth before the age of 14.”

The collapse of April 24 of the Rana Plaza building in the outskirts of Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka, is listed as the seventh top world news story.”Bangladesh’s Factory Disaster” – “the worst industrial disaster in recent memory, killing over 1,100 workers.”

Bureau Report

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