Eating junk food makes children fat: Study

Eating junk food makes children fat: StudyEating junk food makes children fat even if they play a lot of sport, new research suggests.

A study of teenagers found those who ate the most fat had rounder stomachs irrespective of the amount of physical activity they did.

The findings, published in Clinical Nutrition, reveal reducing the amount of fat youngsters eat and increasing their activity is the only way to fight childhood obesity.

Teenagers who eat the most fat have the roundest stomachs regardless of how much exercise they take

Too much fat in the diet led to more fat around the waist whether the 224 adolescent participants exercised regularly or not.

Dr Idoia Labayen, of the University of the Basque Country, said: ‘Until now it was thought even with an unbalanced diet, you somehow compensated for it if you got plenty of physical exercise.

In this study we have shown that this is not the case. The researchers looked at the role of dietary fat in the build-up of the teenagers’ abdominal fat.

Bureau Report

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