PM Narendra Modi address the nation on I-Day

PM Narendra Modi address the nation on I-DayNew Delhi: After inspecting guard of honour PM Narendra Modi on today unfurl the flag addressing the nation from the ramparts of the historic Red Fort for the first time. It will be his first big address to the nation and comes just weeks before his government completes 100 days in office.

While delivering his first Independence Day speech as the PM, Modi hailed Indian democracy for allowing a person from “an ordinary family” to assume the country’s top post.  It is a tribute to Indian democracy” that a person from “a poor family, an ordinary family is today addressing the nation from the Red Fort, he saidToday Indians, both in India and all over the world are celebrating Independence Day. I convey my greetings to everyone but not as the Prime Minister but as a Pradhan Sevak. The struggle for freedom went on for years; generations sacrificed their lives even at the prime of their youth. I salute all those who sacrificed themselves for India’s freedom: Prime Minister.

Independence Day days give us inspiration & they showcase the national character and can inspire us to take India to newer heights.  Leaders or rulers did not make this Nation, or the governments. It is farmers, labourers, women, youth, seers, scientists who made it. This is to take a day fowrard taking everyone together. The beauty of our constitution is that a person from a poor family from small village has th honour to stand under the flag here. I expressed his gratitude to all the former governments, former Prime Ministers for taking the country to such heights. And now, we must walk together, think together, and make a determination to take the nation ahead together.

Following are the highlights of PM’s speech:


  •  We are not the one who wants to move ahead on the basis of our mandate. We want to walk together with consensus, taking all parties together & we succeeded in taking Opposition together. Credit does not go to PM or Government but also to Opposition:
  • I am an outsider to Delhi, especially with the elite class. When I came to Delhi and saw an ‘Insider View’.  I was surprised that in one government there were several different government’s functioning. Situation is so that the one department wants to go to Court over other department, when both are part of one govternment. When the matters are reaching Supreme Court, how shall we take the nation forward? Government is not an assembled entity but an organic entity. I have tried to break down these walls.
  •  When I read that with the new government officers came on time, I was not happy. should officers coming on time be news? Let us think beyond ‘what about me’ & look at the nation.
  •  Crime against women is increasing. Our head hangs in shame when we hear news about rape. When such incidents happen, Parents questions their daughter, but does anyone dare ask their sons. The person raping is also someone’s son. As parents have we asked our sons where he is going, and then why not put same yardstick for sons too. I appeal to parents not to sacrifice the girl child. I have seen families where one daughter served parents more than even 5 sons
  •  With the path of violence we have not achieved anything and therefore, we should leave the path of violence. For the long period, we saw the instances of communal violences, but till when such incidents will keep on happenning. Case or communal violence hinders the growth of the nation. We should see that the path of peace, unity, brotherhood helps India’s growth.
  • Our sportspersons have brought us immense pride, many brought us medals and I am proud that there are several daughters too.
  •   Development and good governance are the only ways to take India forward and we believe in taking everyone together.
  • Through Prime Minister Jan-Dhan Yojana we want to integrate the poorest of the poor with bank accounts.
  •  The world and India needs a skilled workforce. We are a youthful nation and our youth are our strength and we want youngsters who are job creators.
  •  By being isolated from the world, we can’t thinik of development journey.
  • Announces clean India campaign from October 2, 2014 We need to give impetus to manufacturing sector and therefore, I tell the world – Come, make In India. Sell anywhere but manufacture in India. We have the skill and talent. Let us get involved in manufacturing sector with zero defect, not even hurting the environment.
  •   All over the world we should be able to see Made in India and that should be our dream.
  • There should be toilets in all schools across the country.
  • It is a time that we should remind ourselves of the slogan given to us by Lal Bahadur Shastri – Jai Jawan Jai Kisan to
  • People used to think India is a country of black magic & snake charmers, but IT professionals have changed the image of our country.
  • Time has come for us to move towards ‘Digital India’ and it’s an elite concept. Broadband for eduction should be used.
  • Tourism has great potential but what stops us, it’s the filth all around us. That is first thing I got doing as.
  •  In India the poor, the chaiwala also earns and when I talk of chaiwala, it reminds me of myself.
  •  It is a shame that our women have to wait for darkness to go out in the open to defecate. Dignity for poor is important.
  •  There are several schemes under PM’s name; today I announce a scheme under Parliament’s name ‘Sansad Aadarsh Gram Yojna’. Parliamentarians should choose a small village of about 3000 to 5000 population fix parameters & make it a model village.
  •  On October 11, 2014 on the occasion of Jaiprakash Narain jayanti, I will present the blue print of Sansad Aadarsh Gram Yojana.
  • People are asking about the Planning Commission, but today the times have changed from the time the Planning Commission was created. Importance of federal structure is only increasing and therefore, will soon replace Planning Commission with new institution

When we fought the Independence struggle, we had no weapons, we fought together, defeated a foreign power.My fellow citizens let us take a pledge today to fight against poverty, to defeat poverty.

We fought such a strong foreign power,can we not defeat poverty?Lets pledge to work with neighbours to defeat poverty in the region By working together, we SAARC nations can change world’s outlook towards us.

I want to tell you dear brothers and sisters that if you work 12 hours, I will work 13 hours. I am a Pradhan Sevak. I want to tell you dear brothers and sisters that if you work 12 hours, I will work 13 hours. I am a Pradhan Sevak.


Bureau Report


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