#Taliban threatened to kill children of #PM #Sharif, #politicians and #army #personnel after #Peshawar mass killing in #Pakistan

#Taliban threatened to kill children of #PM #Sharif, #politicians and #army #personnel after #Peshawar mass killing in #Pakistan#Islamabad: #Taliban had now threatened to kill the children of Prime Minister #NawazSharif and #Army officials if #Pakistani government didn’t stop killing terrorists.

Notify that six terrorists of #Tehreek-e-Taliban had uproar in the army-run school of #Peshawar of #Pakistan and brutally killed 141 people including 132 children on December 16.

In a letter to government, Tehreek-e-Taliban (#TTP) had threatened to #government.

The letter had been allegedly written by the TTP commander #Mohammed #Kharasani. It states that if the government continues to hang terrorists, then Taliban will continue to target the children of top politicians and Army personnel.

Now authorities are trying to verify the authenticity of the letter.

Notify that Pakistan had lifted the 2008 moratorium on the death penalty and executed terrorists – #Usman and #Arshad #Mehmood shortly after the #Peshawar massacre.

While Usman was involved in the 2009 attack in the Pakistan Army headquarters in #Rawalpindi, #Mehmood was involved in 2003 assassination bid of military ruler General #Pervez #Musharraf.

Notify that now Pakistani government is planning to execute nearly 8,000 prisoners with 17 being hanged in the first phase, 45 in second and the remaining in the last phase.

Bureau Report

#Taliban #PM #PrimeMinister #NawazSharif #Islamabad #Pakistan #TehreekETaliban #PeshawarAttack #PeshawarTerrorAttack #MohammedKharasani #Usman #Mehmood #Rawalpindi #PervezMusharraf #MassKilling #Peshawar #Army #Politicians

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