Barack Obama said, Businesses created 8 million new jobs in US

Barack Obama said, Businesses created 8 million new jobs in USWashington: U.S. President Barack Obama has said that businesses have created over eight million new jobs in America due to his new economic policies in the aftermath of the collapse of the country’s economy.

He said, our investments have helped bring about new technologies, more affordable energy, and our slowing health care costs, all of which are making America even more attractive for investors. The event also saw the announcement of the nomination of Maria Contreras-Sweet as Administrator of Small Business Administration.

Obama said that the country was starting to see a lot of the jobs that had left the shores in manufacturing, for example, now starting to come back, because “we put ourselves in a much more competitive position”. As such, he said, all the pieces are there to bring back even more new jobs to America this year.

Describing small businesses as the lifeblood of the U.S. economy, the President said, they create most of the country’s new jobs. They’re cornerstones of our communities. And they’re part of the pact that America makes the idea that if you work hard, if you take responsibility, then you can build something new, he said.

Obama said, we have always been about research, innovation, and then commercializing that research and innovation so that everybody can benefit. And then we start selling our stuff all around the world, we start exporting it. We create good jobs, and middle-class families then are able to buy the products that result from this innovation.

They came up with a joint plan. They were focusing on developing 3D printing technology and training workers with the skills required to master that technology and that was a great start we got one going and some of the folks from Youngstown are here today, and we congratulate them on the great work they’re doing, he said.

Bureau Report

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