Today’s Horoscope


Lately you can’t stop dreaming about an amazing vacation to an exotic destination. Unfortunately, you might not be able to drop everything in your life and hop a plane for your great escape. But happiness is not as far away as you think. Seek satisfaction where you are, rather than where you wish you were heading. Lucky Color White Lucky No. 1

You are fully capable of enjoying the present moment even with the unrealized wonders of the future still in front of you. Although you prefer relationships to be clearly defined, sometimes it’s best to leave things more open-ended. However, someone’s behavior may be exceptionally difficult to decipher today, even if you ask for clarification. Lucky Color Emerald Lucky No. 4


There’s no need to push too hard, you have a better chance of getting what you want if you remain attentive to the signals that others are giving you. If you can’t figure out what’s going on, avoid the temptation to withdraw. An honest dialogue enables you to create something that works for both of you. Lucky Color Red Lucky No. 7


You are envisioning your rise to success now, but may be rather impractical about what to do next. Although you might have moments of doubt throughout the day, you can’t help but see the brighter side of every situation now. A positive outlook is healthy, but not if you ignore the facts. Aim high when setting your goals, but be realistic when making choices. Lucky Color Turquoise Lucky No. 8


You’re not interested in becoming entangled in other people’s emotional dramas these days because you are more intrigued with the idea of exploring your own imagination. The complexities of interpersonal relationships may distract you from your current creative efforts. Even if you love someone enough to offer the help they need, you still must face the limitations of your time. Take care of yourself first or you won’t have much to give to anyone else. Lucky Color Yellow Lucky No. 9


Your world is full of surprises today, but you might be resistant to them. You want to feel as if you can control the circumstances, but other people’s optimism pulls you out of your safety zone and encourages you to think about possibilities beyond your normal scope. However, there are treasures waiting to be discovered if you have the courage to take a step into the unknown. Lucky Color Indigo Lucky No. 2


You’re sensitive and impressionable. You may not appreciate the intense atmosphere building, but it may be just what you need to get motivated. No more planning, no more delays, no more staring off into space. Buckle down and get your work done. Lucky Color Lemon Lucky No. 7


Going along with your imagination today is the best way to realize your creative potential. Entertaining daydreams about material wealth might motivate you to apply yourself diligently on the job. But unrealistic fantasies about get-rich schemes could distract you from more important work today. Lucky Color Purple Lucky No. 3


Giving yourself permission to think about the potential is healthy if you follow through with concrete actions. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Taking small steps toward a lofty goal is better than taking giant steps toward a more modest one. Lucky Color Pink Lucky No. 5


You may feel affectionate today and willing to express what’s in your heart, even if it means being vulnerable. However, it’s not a good idea to pretend that everything is okay if it really isn’t or you’ll end up wasting energy making up for lost time. Explore all your options but don’t slip into denial. You can manifest your dreams if you focus on the right ones. Lucky Color Saffron Lucky No. 4


Your intuitive side is active now, so you should be able to get a better understanding of your friends or enemies. It’s a good time for you to hunker down and work on your own, if possible. Communication is much harder than usual, and that puts you at a serious, if temporary, disadvantage. Wait it out. Lucky Color Sapphire Lucky No. 2

You and your people are getting along well, and you should find that you can get them to see things your way with ease. You just can’t get a good read on today’s weird problem — so put if off for a while! Sometimes you have to let issues percolate before you can figure out what you’re supposed to do next. Lucky Color Green Lucky No. 6

Bureau Report

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