Today’s Horoscope

Today's HoroscopeAries

Nothing much happens today — and there’s nothing wrong with that! Everyone needs down time, so if you find yourself nervously trying to figure out what to do with your time, just chill out. You’ve got the mental flexibility to cope with today’s weirdness, but you have to be willing to challenge yourself in order to use it. Lucky Color Grey Lucky No. 1


Art is becoming a new obsession for you — and your playful energy helps you to see what’s best in the material you’ve got to work with. It’s a great time to impress the cultural elite! You need make sure that you’re thinking big today — otherwise, you may have to tread water while those around you take off for new horizons. Lucky Color Lemon Lucky No. 5


Your big heart grows a little bigger today, and you may find yourself digging deep within your pocketbook to help someone in need. It may not be money they’re after, though, so thinking outside the box. When that one friend comes your way once again with a horror story or a request for assistance, the most compassionate thing to do may be to turn them away firmly, but with love. Try it out! Lucky Color Lavender Lucky No. 9


You need to make a major change — so start within yourself! It’s a good time to ask friends and family for advice, though you may have to filter it a bit too really make sense of it. You have a tough choice to make, perhaps one that affects you and you alone as much as other people. Lucky Color Maroon Lucky No. 2


Whichever side of the fence you come down on, you will open yourself up for a set of very interesting personal experiences. It’s also time to take a sober look at a couple of suggestions that you’ve been treating rather frivolously. We have to face the fact that you may not be affected by current circumstances in the same way as other people. Lucky Color Magenta Lucky No. 3


Someone is enchanting you. But, from their point of view, they may be more under your spell than you are under theirs. Whatever the truth of the matter, it seems certain that a meeting of minds is inevitable. And, out of that, could come to a new, solid commitment. You may be on tenterhooks. The obvious response to your concerns is ‘relax, it might never happen’. Lucky Color Blue Lucky No. 4


It should be particularly easy to express yourself at the moment. Even for those who are not interested in what you have to say, your views will eventually prove to be deeply pertinent, prophetic even. In general, though, you can begin to wind down the pressure in a number of areas. Lucky Color Brown Lucky No. 6


Today’s planetary formation is like a sort of small birthday shared by everyone born under your sign all at the same time. You are probably spending far too much, not to mention thinking about money more than is really necessary. After a momentary lapse, you may come to realize that your security relies more on emotional contentment than the quantity of coins in your pocket Lucky Color Black Lucky No. 9


After a period of contemplation, work out what your top priority is and make a personal wish. Implement whatever you decide without delay. Forget the real world – it’s time for some heavy day-dreaming. If you have chores and responsibilities you really can’t shelve, then make whatever time for yourself you can. Lucky Color Burgundy Lucky No. 7


Your charms are definitely coming to the fore again, which will be very useful as far as your long-term interests are concerned. One thing I would say is that you must be prepared to lay out some cash up front if you are pursuing important schemes. In love, play it cool – but don’t be too fussy. And don’t pretend that feelings don’t matter! Lucky Color Violet Lucky No. 8


There is no reason for any unpleasantness, so don’t allow yourself to be easily provoked. Authority needs to be respected and you, in your turn, must exercise power with dignity. There’ll be moments when you have to stand back and let partners take first place – it’s all in the timing. Lucky Color Crimson Lucky No. 1

Although you, and people around you, may be rather edgy, you need to be making stalwart resolutions about where you are going, and how. Travel influences are exceptionally strong, so take the opportunity to develop all overseas and long-distance contacts. It is inevitable that money will loom large in your consciousness. Some may pick up bargains. Others will make a smart, long-term investment. Lucky Color Creamy Lucky No. 2

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