Both Sides of Brain Involved in perfect Speech: study

1952085New York: A new research points out that in fact, both sides of the brain are used during speech, Contradicting earlier beliefs that humans use only one side of the brain while speaking.

Our findings upend what has been universally accepted in the scientific community which we use only one side of our brains for speech, said Bijan Pesaran, associate professor at New York University’s centre for neural science.

The researchers examined brain functions of patients suffering from epilepsy by using methods that coincided with their medical treatment. In their examination, the researchers tested the parts of the brain that were used during speech.

An analysis of the brain activity as patients engaged in speech tasks showed that both sides of the brain were used – that is, speech is, in fact, bi-lateral. Now that we have greater insights into the connection between the brain and speech, we can begin to develop new ways to aid those trying to regain the ability to speak after a stroke or injuries resulting in brain damage, observed Pesaran.

Bureau Report

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