Differences with AAP inching closer Team Anna towards BJP..?

Differences with AAP inching closer Team Anna towards BJP..?New Delhi: After the declaration of former IPS officer and prominent team Anna member Kiran Bedi to support PM candidate of BJP Narendra Modi make rumors in political streets that Team Anna is inching closer towards BJP after the differences with Arvind Kejriwal’s AAP.

Kiran Bedi had also defended her declaration and said, “India needs a strong leader, who is tested and experienced. Yes it can be Modi… I am speaking as an independent citizen. I am not a member of any political party.”

However, BJP also welcomed her statement. Prakash Javadekar, the spokesperson of BJP said, “Bedi has a position of her own. There is support pouring in for Modi from across the nation because people want good governance.”

However BJP leader Subramanian Swamy said that BJP should invite Kiran Bedi and former army Chief General VK Singh to join it.

Bureau Report

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