“There must be a new development model for north-eastern states so that the collective strength of the region along with the neighbouring countries of Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia can be achieved,” PM Modi said after dedicating the Brahmaputra Cracker Polymer Ltd BCPL) and Numaligarh Refinery Ltd’s wax plant to the nation.
“There must be balanced and all-round development of the country. It cannot be that the western part of India progresses, but the eastern and north-eastern parts lag behind,” he said.
“In that case, the nation’s development will remain incomplete,” said PM Modi.
The Prime Minister said that the inauguration of the two projects would lead to a ‘Rashtriya Vikas Yatra’ and “bring immense joy to the people of the state as well as to the rest of the country”.
“If the then Prime Minister had the opportunity to inaugurate the projects 25 years ago, new industries and employment opportunities would have come up and there would have been all-round development and happiness in the state,” he said.
“If the projects had been completed 25 years ago, the second generation of people would have reaped benefits from these units. An entire generation has lost the benefits of these projects,” PM Modi said.
He said his government had evolved a new development model for the north-east and strengthening of the railway infrastructure of the region was the first step in that direction.
“Lack of connectivity has hampered the development of the region. Strengthening of the railway infrastructure will connect Assam and the north-east with the rest of the country,” #NarendraModi said.
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