“Now is the time for countries to prepare themselves to reduce the risk to their populations,” WHO’s Europe chief Zsuzsanna Jakab said in a statement. “Every European country in which Aedes mosquitos are present can be at risk for the spread of Zika virus disease.
Zika virus has never been transmitted in Europe but could spread with the onset of spring and summer.
“A number of travellers infected with Zika have entered Europe, but the disease has not been transmitted further, as the mosquito is still inactive. With the onset of spring and summer, the risk that Zika virus will spread increases.”
Zika virus has never been transmitted in Europe but could spread with the onset of spring and summer.
“A number of travellers infected with Zika have entered Europe, but the disease has not been transmitted further, as the mosquito is still inactive. With the onset of spring and summer, the risk that Zika virus will spread increases.”
Bureau Report
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