A campaign spokesman playfully likened the Warriors improbable win against the Oklahoma City Thunder to Sanders’ own uphill campaign battle against front-runner Hillary Clinton.

“You know the Golden State Warriors were down three games to one in what many experts said was a [longshot] for them to win. Now they’re on the verge of a major comeback in California,” the spokesman said.
Last week, Golden State was down three games to one. Tonight, they finished off a great comeback in California. I like comebacks.
9:23 AM – 31 May 2016
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He saw a bit of excitement ahead of the basketball game: Animal-rights protesters jumped the barricades and rushed the podium at his campaign event earlier in the day.
The Secret Service jumped into action and at least one protester was carried out.

“We don’t get intimidated easily,” Sanders told the crowd after the incident unfolded.
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