The Election Commission of India on Tuesday announced the Dates for Delhi Assembly elections 2025 for its 70 assembly seats. The current Assembly’s term concludes on February 15, 2025, necessitating the election of new members before that date. The major political parties including the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Indian National Congress are preparing for the electoral contest. The parties have made several promises including financial aid for women, pension schemes and others.
The polls for 70 assembly seats are scheduled to be held in a single phase on February 5 and the result will be announced on February 8.
Delhi Assembly Election Full Schedule 2025
Nomination Filing Start Date: 10.01.25
Nomination Filing End Date: 17.01.25
Scrutiny of nomination: 18.01.25
Withdrawal of nomination: 20.01.25
Voting Date: 5.02.25
Result Counting Date: 8.02.25
The Chief Electoral Officer of Delhi released the final electoral roll on Monday which showed that the National Capital has 1,55,24,858 voters including 83,49,645 male and 71,73,952 female besides 1,261 third-gender. This shows an increase of 1.09% over the electors in draft elector roll published on 29.10.2024.
According to the data, there are 2,08,302 first-time voters for the assembly polls and 79,436 PwD voters. While Delhi has a total of 70 assembly seats, Vikaspuri is the constituency with the largest electorate as it has 4,62,184 voters.
Bureau Report
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