Less than a week before Delhi café owner Puneet Khurana died by suicide, his estranged wife and business partner, Manika Pahwa, shared a cryptic social media post alleging she had endured “toxicity and narcissistic abuse.” The post, which also declared her newfound freedom, has come under scrutiny following Khurana’s death. Khurana (40), co-owner of the popular Woodbox Cafe, was found hanging in his room in Kalyan Vihar, Model Town, on New Year’s Eve. The couple, who were going through a divorce, had a heated conversation on the night of his death, which Khurana recorded.
Khurana’s family has accused Pahwa of driving him to take his life. His sister alleged to ANI, “Manika Pahwa, along with her parents and sister, pressured my brother mentally, saying things like ‘you can’t do anything, die by suicide if you dare.’” The sister further claimed that Pahwa had overstepped an agreed division of their business. “It was decided in court that Puneet would manage For God’s Bakery, and Manika would take Woodbox Cafe. Yet, she continued to demand her share in the other business.”
Khurana’s mother echoed these claims, stating that her son endured prolonged mental harassment. “He kept his struggles to himself to avoid upsetting us. But the constant torture broke him,” she said. In her Instagram post from six days prior, Pahwa alluded to overcoming emotional abuse and claimed she was healing. “I am free after all the toxicity and narcissistic abuse. Higher powers will decide what’s best for my abusers,” she wrote, without naming anyone specifically.
She described her abusers as “insecure cowards” and emphasized that virtues like kindness and trust were more important than material wealth. “I just wish these abusers see the mirror someday and understand that virtues like love and trust hold more value than money or property.” Pahwa concluded by saying she was ready to move forward, stating, “I am free, and the beautiful ruins are part of me.”
The couple, who married in 2016, had been separated for two years. Their business partnership added further strain to their relationship. Disputes reportedly centered on the division of their businesses during divorce proceedings. The family has filed a police complaint, seeking legal action against Pahwa and her relatives. Investigations are ongoing.
Bureau Report
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