Syria Stop The War Coalition What You Need To Know

Syria  Stop The War Coalition What You Need To Know#Syria: #Raqqa : Jeremy Corbyn has come under pressure to distance himself from the Stop the War Coalition, as he prepares to attend a fundraising dinner for the group. But who are they?
:: Stop The War To Stop The War

Stop the War was established back on 21 September, 2001 in the lead up to the invasion of Afghanistan.

Formed to oppose the so-called War on Terror, it had 2,000 supporters who gathered near Kings Cross.

The original chair was from the Socialist Workers Party – Lindsey German.

:: March, march, march

Stop the War organised the largest demonstration against the invasion of Iraq on 15 February, 2003 – with up to 1 million in attendance.

Speakers included Tony Benn, Jesse Jackson, Charles Kennedy and playwright Harold Pinter.

Protesters widely used the slogan “Not in my name”, though ultimately the march failed to stop the invasion.

:: Losing support

Iraq was the high water mark for Stop the War coalition, repeated demonstrations after 7/7, around G20 and most recently in the lead to intervention in Syria.

Membership numbers are difficult to come by but certainly the organisation does not hold the influence it once did.

:: Controversy

Caroline Lucas, who was the vice-president of the organisation, stood down this week after remarks by Stop the War that Paris “reaped the world wind of western support extremist violence in Middle East”.

Commentators have constantly attacked the organisation for alleged pro-Saddam Hussein and pro-Bashar al Assad stand points.

And they’ve organised controversial protests outside Labour MPs houses who have voted for military action in Syria.

:: The Corbyn connection

Jeremy Corbyn, a long-time supporter of Stop the War, was until recently its chairman. Sky

He is due to attend and speak at a Christmas fundraiser, despite objections from some within his own party – who want the Labour leader to distance himself from the organisation.

But Mr Corbyn is not for turning, saying Stop the War “consistently said we need foreign policy that brings about political solutions to desperately complicated problems”. Agencies

 Bureau Report

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