Today’s Horoscope


Renewed energy and motivation for work and routines are with you now dear Aries. This is not the best time for recognition or worldly success, but it’s an excellent transit for self-development and laying the groundwork for future success. Take every opportunity to work on greater self-awareness, improvement of self-care and health programs, and dealing with detail work. Lucky Color Purple Lucky No. 8


Today, you’re ending a solar cycle that put special emphasis on communicating, making connections and learning. Special attention to family and home or domestic matters will be a big part of your life. This is a period for reconnecting to your roots, for building your inner well, and for taking charge of your family life. Lucky Color White Lucky No. 3


It’s not necessarily a time for everything to run completely smoothly on the home front, but rather a period in which domestic matters assume more importance in your life. Certainly, you can choose to work harder at finding peace with those closest to you. Now you’ll embark on a new journey in which you branch out a little more, communicate and make connections. Lucky Color Orange Lucky No. 8


This is a pleasant time that brings you into more contact with others and chances to pick up all sorts of information. Early today, you could be feeling neglected or brushed aside. It’s not the best time to make decisions. You’ve likely received more personal attention. Lucky Color Emerald Lucky No. 3


Now, you’re shifting gears and your focus is turning to what it is that makes you feel secure and comfortable. Money and possessions can assume more importance in your life and so can matters of comfort, sensual enjoyment, and activities that remind you of the simple pleasures in life. Your life settles down and you tend to look around you to see what you have and what you need. Lucky Color Indigo Lucky No. 4


It’s a time for taking charge of your money, as well as for tending to your possessions. Take care of them, and they will take care of you. Early today, there may be some communication problems, so be especially clear and avoid jumping to conclusions about what you hear. Lucky Color Red Lucky No. 7


Today is ideal for reflecting upon what you need to let go of – the negative attitudes or situations in your life that have been holding you back. Overall, it truly is a time to shine, as you are in the spotlight. Early today, however, some confusion or guilt could undermine your sunny disposition. As the day progresses, so does your confidence. Lucky Color Yellow Lucky No. 5


You are more naturally inclined to pull back a little from situations that are excessively demanding or competitive. You are likely to need more rest and time to yourself. Some of you will be dealing with endings and tying up loose ends rather than throwing yourself into something entirely new, and this is a natural process. Lucky Color Turquoise Lucky No. 6


Today has put you in special emphasis on networking. It is likely to involve some cleaning out of the deadwood in your life and some soul searching. You need more time set aside for relaxing, meditative activities in the evening. Lucky Color Lavender Lucky No. 1


Today you put special emphasis on career and professional concerns, as well as your more worldly ambitions. Your focus now shifts over your social and humanitarian or personal happiness goals. Friendships will come into sharper focus. Being a team player will win you the most favours. Lucky Color Saffron Lucky No. 9


Your need to make connections with others, to be part of a group, and to enjoy the company of friends will materialize today. You’re also likely to be filled with new ideas and dreams for the future. In fact, you’re likely to be planting some seeds for the future. Lucky Color Lemon Lucky No. 2


Today, your attention would be of special emphasis on learning, experiencing, and exploring. You turn your major focus on professional matters, ambitions, material and social success and your reputation. Today is strong for reflecting on what you’ve learned that you can take forward with you. Lucky Color Sapphire Lucky No. 8

Bureau Report

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