Setback to Obama as Republicans take control of US Senate in midterm polls

Washington: In a debacle for Barack Obama and his Democratic Party, Republicans today gained control of the US Senate and increased its majority in the House of Representatives in a sweeping midterm election win that could complicate the President’s final two years in office.280919-barack-obama

Elections were held for the entire 435 House of Representatives seat, 36 of the 100 Senate seats and gubernatorial elections in 36 of the 50 American States. By latest count, the Republican Party has occupied 52 of the 100 Senate seats as against 43 of the Democratic Party.

In the current Congress, Democrats have 53 seats, while the Republicans have 45 seats.

Republicans were headed to a substantial gain in the House of Representatives and were leading in 235 seats with a net gain of 10 seats, while the Democrats had 157 seats with a net loss of eight seats.

In the current House, Democratic Party has 199 seats and Republicans have 233 seats.

A Republican majority in the US Senate, for the first time in eight years, would make governance and key administrative reforms a tough task for Obama during the rest of his two years of the second term.

Political analysts said that the very fact that Republicans won the gubernatorial elections in traditional Democratic strong hold of Maryland and Illinois is a clear indication of a Republican wave sweeping the country.

House Majority Leader, Harry Reid, congratulated Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. “I’d like to congratulate Senator McConnell, who will be the new Senate Majority Leader. The message from voters is clear: they want us to work together,” Reid said in a statement.

Bureau Report

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