Research found health benefits in red wine

Research found health benefits in red wineNew Delhi: A research and found some compound in red wine which provide health benefits. Study has found that red wine in lower doses can protect cells against the damage caused by aging and promote health.

Red wine contains a compound named Resveratrol which activates a body response usually used to relieve stress, claimed researchers.

It has been known that Resveratrol is good for health as it reduces risk of heart disease, promotes longer lifespans, and helps in the fight against some cancers.

Some previous studies had already shown that resveratrol can ease cognitive decline, and even protect against hearing loss. The natural phenol is found in red wine. It is also found in the skin of dark grapes.

In order to find if resveratrol actually promotes good health, latest study had been conducted.

The researchers examined an enzyme known as type TyrRS, a type of tRNA synthetase that bonds with the amino acid tyrosine during the study.

It found that the TyrRS-resveratrol combination was found to trigger the gene PARP-1 and other genes, including FOXO3A and SIRT6, which aid long life spans.

Mathew Sajish of the Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), said,  “Based on these results, it is conceivable that moderate consumption of a couple glasses of red wine (rich in resveratrol) would give a person enough resveratrol to evoke a protective effect via this pathway.”

Sajish also said, “We think this is just the tip of the iceberg. We think there are a lot more amino-acid mimics out there that can have beneficial effects like this in people. And we’re working on that now.”

The findings of the study are published in the journal Nature.

Bureau Report


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