UK Sports Minister Tracey Crouch : Consign Fox Hunting To History

UK  Sports Minister Tracey Crouch : Consign Fox Hunting To History#London:  The #UK Sports Minister Mr #TraceyCrouch has said that parliament has “better things to be concerned with” than holding a vote on repealing the Hunting Act.
Tracey Crouch said fox hunting is a “pursuit from the past” that should be “consigned to history”, despite a government pledge for a free vote on the issue.

With Boxing Day hunts taking place, a new poll suggests that more than 80% of the public oppose legalising hunting with dogs again.

The Labour government banned the practice in England and Wales in 2004.

The Conservative Party’s 2015 general election manifesto promised to “give Parliament the opportunity to repeal the Hunting Act on a free vote, with a government bill in government time”.

Earlier this year an attempt to relax the law was dropped after the SNP said it would join Labour and Tory opponents in a vote, rather than abstaining as the change would not affect Scotland.

Ms Crouch is a patron of the Conservatives Against Fox Hunting group, and she issued a statement saying: “Fox hunting is a pursuit from the past and like the overwhelming majority of the population I believe that is where it should stay, consigned to history.

“I believe that the legislation as it stands today requires better enforcement, and Parliament has better things to be concerned with than bringing back hunting foxes with hounds.”

The League said opposition to legalising fox hunting has risen from 72% in 2008.

Director of campaigns Tom Quinn said: “We have a lot of new information about what people think about hunting and none of it is good news for the small but obsessed minority who want to kill animals for fun.”

Tim Bonner, chief executive of the pro-hunting Countryside Alliance, said: “However much some politicians are desperate to ignore the strength of the arguments for scrapping the Hunting Act they will not go away.

“Hunts will keep meeting on Boxing Days every year and until this issue is resolved on the basis of principle and evidence, rather than prejudice and bigotry, this law and the treatment of a rural minority will remain a stain on our democracy.”

The Countryside Alliance predicted that about 250,000 people would be participating in some 300 Boxing Day hunts around the  Agencies

Bureau Report

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