Explosive in Assembly: New security measures to be followed inside UP Vidhan Sabha

Explosive in Assembly: New security measures to be followed inside UP Vidhan SabhaNew Delhi: Days after powerful explosive recovered from Uttar Pradesh Assembly, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanth on Friday announced few enhanced security measures and urged legislators to follow them. While speaking in the Assembly, Adityanath said  NIA (National Investigation Agency) should be given charge of leading the investigation into the major security lapse. 

– Quick Response Team (ORT) at every gate: “It’s unfortunate that the largest Assembly of the country doesn’t have a QRT,”CM had said while speaking in media. Now a proper QRT will be deployed at every gate of Vidhan Sabha. 

– Police verification of all workers: “Everyone needs to be cautious related to security matters. Police verification needs to be done for all workers in Assembly,” the UP CM said. 

-ATS to be deployed inside Assembly: Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) team will be deployed inside the UP Assembly so that no such incident would take place in future. 

-Full body and baggage scanner at six entry gates: Body scanner will be installed at entry gates of Uttar Pradesh Assembly and each legislator including worker and employee will go through it. 

-Pradeshik Armed Constabulary (PAC): “There will be a Pradeshik Armed Constabulary (PAC) team at all eight gates of the Assembly,” UP speaker said. 

– Parking: Legislators/employees will be asked to park their vehicles at regular parking area. 

-Passes to be cancelled:   Passes of old vehicles will be cancelled.The speaker also said that each MLA will have to show pass, otherwise he or she will be denied entry in the premises. 

Earlier on July 12, white powder was found inside Uttar Pradesh Assembly during ongoing session yesterday.  According to the reports, the white powder,  Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) – a powerful explosive was detected near Leader of Opposition Ram Govind Chaudhary’s seat , wrapped in a plastic bag.

Fortunately, the security personnel including an anti-explosive team with the help of dog squad recovered it and avert the big mishap. 

Reportedly, Police have arrested a man identified as Farhan Ahmad, who hails from Deoria. As per the reports, he had threatened to blow up the UP Assembly on August 15.

Bureau Report


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